The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage: Does It Matter or No?
On June 26, 2015, with a 5-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution warrants the right to same-sex marriage, legalizing such union in all 50 states. This ruling is actually a mocking of the American Constitution (see Roberts, 2015, p. 29; Titus and Olson, 2015; Miller, 2008), an affront to the moral and Christian principles of American society, and an additional and deeper step toward national destruction.
There is no need to say that for homosexuality and lesbianism advocates, this piece of news was reason of extreme celebration. According to their unfortunate perspective of the political and moral landscape, it is “the best kind of historic day, the kind where you can’t stop reading the news because the news is so good for a change, so full of love. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision…is a victory for human rights, a victory for love, and a victory for families” (Haelle, 2015).
President Obama joined the celebration, declaring that
[p]rogress on this journey often comes in small increments—sometimes two steps forward, one step back, compelled by the persistent effort of dedicated citizens. And then sometimes there are days like this, when that slow, steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt… This ruling is a victory…for America. [T]oday, we can say in no uncertain terms that we’ve made our union a little more perfect… America should be very proud (“Transcript…,” 2015).
Obama lights up the White House with rainbow colors to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Photo © The White House, in Wikipedia.
Ironically, seven years ago, when Obama aspired to the presidency of a less liberal United States, he conveniently adjusted his position to “harmonize” with traditional approach to marriage. In fact, in August 2008, in an interview in which he was asked to define “marriage,” Obama declared: “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian—for me—for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union; God’s in the mix” (quoted in Jeffrey, 2015). And in a series of answers to MTV News in a discussion called “Ask Obama,” the presidential nominee confirmed: “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage” (Harris, 2008). However, it is not a secret that the president’s convictions tend to fluctuate according to social and moral national temperature (“Obama’s Past Statements…,” 2012).
On the other hand, for those who still retain a healthy level of Christian morality, this recent news is cause of deep sadness, shame, and concern. Actually, the U.S. has lost a lot, family foundation has been additionally undermined, and true love has been replaced by dissimulated sexual perversion.
Both sides of the controversy acknowledge that the Supreme Court ruling entails outstanding importance—involving effects that are perceived, according to personal perspectives on the subject, as negatives or positives. According to Christian perspective, why is the Court’s ruling important?
- Because the subject matters. Unlike popular thinking, the Supreme Court’s ruling was not concerned with some law of inherent political nature; it had moral character! First as a Christian, and second as a U.S. citizen, the main interest in my electoral obligations and political perspectives are not related to social security, retirement funds, taxes, medical care, global warming, foreign relationships or infrastructure and technology; rather, they are related to moral aspects concerning our moral God. In the case of marriage, our moral God has ruled since the beginning of human history that this sacred institution is between a man and a woman and for life (Matthew 19:4-6; Genesis 2:24), and has denounced homosexual and lesbian relationships as abominable corruptions of the divine pattern (Genesis 19; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10; Judas 7). Christians should first take into account God’s will in our civil responsibilities.
- Because it reveals our national and continuous love affair with moral depravity. The U.S. immoral journey did not start with the Supreme Court’s decision on Friday June 26, 2015; a great portion of American society has been “flirting” with sin in a shameful and intensified way during the last past decades. The U.S. has legalized the shedding of innocent blood by means of abortion (Proverbs 6:16-17; cf. Pinedo, 2014), has welcomed and applauded what God abhors by means of divorce for any reason (Malachi 2:16; Matthew 19:9), and has promoted the extension of sin’s tentacles to virtually every area of social life (Galatians 5:19-21). The Court’s ruling is simply an additional and expected (although unfortunate) reminder of our long journey of sin.
- Because it confirms how deeply a nation can fall due to the failure of its leaders. The ungodly efforts in the last half-century of American history are quickly destroying what has taken centuries to build. The failure of the nation in choosing godly leaders in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches has led to widespread corruption—as it happened with Israel due to the continuity of ungodly leaders (1 Kings 12:25-33; Ezekiel 34:1-10; Isaiah 56:9-12; Jeremiah 50:6). At this stage in U.S. history, each responsible citizen should understand that “[r]ighteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
- Because it foretells a darker future. When immoral leavening is allowed in the national lump, not much time is needed till the entire society is contaminated with evil (cf. Matthew 16:6; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; Galatians 5:9). This happened in Sodom and Gomorrah—to the extent that not even 10 righteous people were left to prevent God’s burning wrath (Genesis 18:16-33). In the same way, it is to be expected that legalization of homosexual relationships will lead to additional perversions—as pedophilia, incest, polygamy, and any other possible immoral imagination. This also foretells a dark future for true servants of God who do not conform to ungodliness (Proverbs 28:12; 29:2; cf. Romans 12:2). When Asa turned his back on God, he put prophet Hanani in prison, got exceedingly angry, and “oppressed some of the people at that time” (2 Chronicles 16:10).
- Because it sets a precedent for other nations. Similar to the case of Babylon in the time of Jewish captivity, the U.S. has grown and became strong, and its greatness has reached the end of the Earth (cf. Daniel 4:20-22). The eyes of other nations constantly observe this country blessed with extensive prosperity and swelled with insolent pride. Thus, it is to be expected for other countries to also walk through the same immoral path that the U.S. has helped to pave. Although it is true that Christians should not expect for the world to stop being “worldly,” generalized deep immorality certainly is a stumbling block for the spreading of Christianity to all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).
- Because it rapidly guides us to national destruction. God promised the people of Israel that if they kept His will, He would set them “high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you” (Deuteronomy 28:1-2). On the other hand, God warned about the consequences of forgetting Him: “I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you. And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins” (Leviticus 26:16-18). In the end, as Job correctly concluded, “He makes nations great, and destroys them; He enlarges nations, and guides them” (Job 12:23). Only pagan self-sufficiency can boast that this will never happen to the U.S.!
Although it is true that no one can ignore nor minimize the importance of the latest national events, in a spiritual sense, the Court’s decision on same-sex marriage does not have relevant importance—and this offers unsurpassable and irrevocable peace and hope to each Christian in the U.S. and the entire world. Why does it not matter?
- Because it does not alter Heaven’s Supreme Court ruling at all. For many years the atheistic community has been vociferating that “God does not exist,” but this has not caused God to “roll over and play the dead.” This is what the fool says in his heart (Psalm 14:1), but “[t]he Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men” (Psalm 11:4). Likewise, the Supreme Court legalization on gay marriage does not mean at all that God now approves of such relationships. Gay couples can now enter the courthouse and demand a marriage license, but no one who involves in homosexuality or lesbianism can expect to receive a license from Heaven’s Courthouse (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Although the current national landscape is depressing, Christians should not forget that God is still in control, and that He has the “honor and glory and power…forever and ever” (Revelation 5:13).
- Because Christians are strangers and pilgrims in the world. Sometimes national foundation has to start to crumble in pieces for Christians to start waiting “for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:10). Sometimes we are to be considered strangers in our own country to “desire a better, that is, a heavenly country” (Hebrews 11:16). And sometimes we are to be persecuted, mistreated and dispersed to go “everywhere preaching the word” (Acts 8:1-4). Sadly, in this land flowing with milk and honey (cf. Numbers 14:8), some of us have felt too comfortable with our prosperity, and have taken our eyes from Heaven to uninterruptedly and exceedingly enjoy the material pleasures of this world. The current situation may certainly be the beginning of a severe calling to wake up and remember that we are “strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Hebrews 11:13; 1 Peter 2:11).
- Because ungodliness cannot take away our joy and hope. I must acknowledge that, although I expected for this day to come, the Supreme Court’s ruling was still a difficult reality to accept. As a Christian, I have some understandable fear for the future of the Lord’s church in the U.S., the future of the religious ministry I do as well as other evangelistic efforts in the brotherhood, the future of my family, my daughters, and future generations, and the future of this country that has become my home. In the mist of this concern, I have decided to remember the exhortation of the apostle Paul, who, interestingly, was suffering mistreatment and seclusion at the very moment he was writing: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4). Since the inspired apostle wrote that we are to rejoice in the Lord always, then this is also an adequate time for Christian joy. Independently of the Supreme Court ruling’s repercussions, uncontrollable growth of evil, and future’s uncertainty, Christians can have joy because “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).
The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling simply reflects what the world has always been, is, and will be: the world. The truth is that if the world were God’s, then it would love God, His laws and His servants (John 15:18-21). But instead of plunging ourselves into depression, hate, and fear, Christians should use this situation as an opportunity to:
- Reflect on our personal lives. It is true that God abhors same-sex relationships, but He also abhors all sins—including those that we may consider “unimportant” (Habakkuk 1:13). As we assume our Christian responsibility to expose sin, let us not forget to consider our own souls (1 Corinthians 10:12).
- Show the world that we are true Christians with true convictions. Although it is obvious that the U.S. Constitution is being abused, essentially, it does not matter what this document says; what matters is what the Divine Constitution says—the Bible (John 17:17)!
- Love each soul in the world. God loves all people, including those who are involved in homosexuality or lesbianism. Due to this love, we are to continue to expose the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11) and reach every person with the unadulterated Gospel that can revert the process of social, spiritual, and eternal degradation.
- Actively involve ourselves in civil matters. This is neither a call to be aggressive nor a part of some violent rebellion, but as citizens, we can try to influence our authorities; we have a voice and vote.
- Appeal to Heaven’s Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of our land may not listen to our voices, but Heaven’s Court will always do. If we have not sought God in prayer and plea in the past on behalf of this country, this is time to do it (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
- Be prepared to give a defense of the truth. In view of the Court’s ruling, some may ask why Christians continue to uphold that same-sex marriage is a sin. Then Christians should supply themselves with the biblical knowledge to present a meek, reverent, and firm answer (1 Peter 3:15; cf. Pinedo, 2013).
- Stand firm in the face of opposition and mistreatment. A section of the opposition wants to appease the conservative sector by declaring that the First Amendment warrants that Christians will not be persecuted due to our faith (Kennedy, 2015, p. 27), but it is naïve to believe any promises from the same ones who have just robbed millions of Americans of their freedom of speech. Additional, the history of gay activist community’s aggressiveness predicts otherwise.
Haelle, Tara (2015), “When Love Wins, Children Win Too: Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage,” Forbes,
Harris, Chris (2008), “Barack Obama Answers Your Questions About Gay Marriage, Paying For College, More,” MTV News,
Jeffrey, Terence (2015), “Obama in State of Union: Same-Sex Marriage is ‘America at Its Best’,” CNS News,
Kennedy, Anthony (2015), Supreme Court of the United States,
Miller, Dave (2008), “The Founders on Homosexuality,” Apologetics Press,
“Obama’s Past Statements on Same-Sex Marriage” (2012) Fox News,
Pinedo, Moisés (2013), “Answers to Most Common Arguments in Favor of Homosexuality” [“Respuestas a los Argumentos Más Comunes a Favor de la Homosexualidad”], EB Global,
Pinedo, Moisés (2014), “Abortion Hollocaust” [“El Holocausto del Aborto”], EB Global,
Roberts, C.J. (2015), “Roberts’s Dissent on Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling,” The Whashington Post,
Titus, Herbert and William Olson (2015), “Why the 14th Amendment Is No Mandate for Same-Sex ‘Marriage’,” Life Site News,
“Transcript: Obama’s Remarks on Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage,” The Washington Post,
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